Design: SILO Studio (JSA Architects)
Location: Shanghai French Concession
Area: 154 sqm
Project Year: Completed 2022
This project functions as a “day studio” for a retired couple and their family. Located on the second floor of a 1930s era, European inspired apartment building, the flat is surrounded by a garden of mature trees. The building’s original steel-framed windows give each room views into the landscape, creating the ideal environment for a peaceful day, whether working, hosting clients, relaxing, or spending time with family or friends.

As with many projects in Shanghai, the theme of East meets West is unavoidable, it’s part of the city’s DNA. The basic apartment layout, along with the original doors, skirting and moldings, are all Western influenced with a touch of Art Deco. An open-style kitchen, the bathroom renovations, and a rebuilt fireplace build on that. On the other hand, the uncrowded, carefully selected furnishings lean towards an Asian minimalism, many sourced or inspired by contemporary Asian designers.